The server broadcasts it's information to the 192.168.0 subnet. To read the broadcast messages, create a UDP socket to listen for messages on port 6000. Every "sampleinterval" the server broadcasts a message in this format: RxT%d:TxT%d:RxC%d:TxC%d:KbR%.2f:KbT%.2f:BkR%d:BkP%.2f:10R%.2f:30R%.2f:10T%.2f:30T%.2f:SaM%.2f:Here is the breakdown (the % notation of standard C/Perl notation):
Here is an actual message:
Every 10 "sampleinterval", the server buadcasts a message with additional information. The message is, as above, colon (:) separated, with a 3 character identifier.
This should allow users of other operating systems to create their own client programs, and users of Windows to create their own custom clients (like you wouldn't like mine!) Do not write your code to assume that there will never be changes to this format! While I will not delete any of the existing data, I may add new datapoints, so keep that in mind. Prepare for the future! Here is a sample of Perl code to read the message (it's up to you to create you own connection to the SOCKET.: my @srow; my %savedData; $_ = <SOCKET>; # Reads the message from the socket chomp; # Just in case, get rid of any newlines/returns That's it, you should now be able to create your own client. |